

Case Studies


Career Conquest

QUEST Alliance


Enabling career ownership in young adults through self mediated learning


For more than 61% of chief wage earners in India belonging to the lower and middle socio-economic segments, work choices are largely circumstantial and career planning is a non-existent concept, resulting in an unhappy work-force that doesn’t realise their true potential. In this scenario, Quest Alliance wanted to equip young people to craft fulfilling careers for themselves by enabling self learning.

Career Conquest is a set of 36 interactive ‘mobisodes’ that equip young people with the mindset, skills and knowledge to craft fulfilling careers for themselves. They attempt to empower the learners with ownership over their professional journeys by driving a foundational understanding of their own self and work possibilities of the future.


What was asked

To study the target audience and devise a strategy for an interactive and un-facilitated learning experience, giving learners agency over their own learning and empowering them to realize their potential to build suitable careers.

What we found

A vast pool of learning material that needed to be structured for an audience with a beginner’s command over the English language and limited internet connectivity without compromising on the richness of content and intended learning.

What we delivered

An immersive experience that uses storytelling as a medium to impart career development concepts. It uses simplified content, audio-visual engagement and activities while keeping the language constraints and limited data access in mind.

Strategy and Approach

The course content had to be designed to be both, sensitive and pragmatic – directly relating with the learners’ lifescapes and providing inputs for change-oriented action. It also imparts crucial skills like communication, critical thinking, reflection and negotiation.

User experience Design

In-class activities, experiences and anecdotes have been reimagined to suit a self-learning curriculum. To enable self evaluation, formative assessments have been scattered throughout the mobisodes to reinforce pre-introduced concepts. Keeping in mind the learners’ tech prowess, the interactions have been kept simple and come with explicit instructions. To make the course accessible, removing data dependency was important. This makes them easy to download, even with average internet connectivity, and easy to save, even on phones with low internal storage.

Design considerations are based around the knowledge that most of Career Conquest learners are new to digital interactions, have sporadic access to internet, possess a beginner’s command over the English language and prefer a non-abstract visual style. No mobisode makes an assumption that another one has been done before. This modularity empowers learners to choose their own flow and exercise more agency over their learning.

Visual Treatment

To visually connect all modules, yet differentiate them from one another, monochromatic palettes have been chosen. All design decisions regarding the font sizes and layouts keep in mind the most basic range of Indian smartphones, their screen sizes and resolution.


Career Conquest is deployed in Quest Alliance centers and being used by over 60,000 learners. It will also be made available to the millions of Indian youth who do not have access to classrooms.